Jintan Manis Jintan Putih In English

Contextual translation of jintan putih into english.
Jintan manis jintan putih in english. Cumin seeds malay. When i first started cooking i had trouble differentiating between fennel seeds jintan manis and cumin jintan putih. Jintan halus or jintan putih i know. The reason why i did this post is because i see my friends being misled translating jintan manis as aniseed.
Jintan manis is fennel. For more information you can always google and read up. Kumpulan nama bumbu dapur dalam bahasa inggris lengkap. The differences are distinct.
Wikimedia indonesia on twitter. Fennel seeds jintan manis 100g 250g 500g 1kg. Panjang daunnya 5 10 cm berbentuk menyirip atau menyirip rangkap dan memiliki anak daun seperti benang. It doesn t help that in malaysia these spices are commonly referred to in malay and both of the names sounds similar.
Jintan manis is fennel in english a lot of people get confuse if a recipe said only jintan especially indonesian recipe so used cumin indonesian people especialy from west jawa do not like this cumin they said smell jamu herbal tasted awful but some indonesian who are living overseas donot know the difference if the recipe mention jintan they think o well it is cumin instead they meant jintan. Cumin is jintan putih it has a very different look small and brown and taste obviously different. Fennel seeds jintan manis cumin jintan putih new. Tanaman ini merupakan tanaman tahunan berbentuk terna dengan batang ramping bercabang dengan tinggi 20 30 cm.
Jeera zeera white cumin cummin fennel siragam caraway cumin seed. Cumin jintan putih is a more popular herb which is used widely in chinese indian malay fennel seeds jintan manis cumin jintan putih read. Don t ask why it has putih white in its name when it is gelap dark in colour. Found 3 sentences matching phrase jintan putih found in 0 ms.
Jintan putih translation in malay english dictionary. The bugger who gave this spice its name is confusing us all. Jintan putih cuminum cyminum merupakan tumbuhan berbunga dari famili apiaceae yang berasal dari daerah laut tengah bagian timur sampai india bagian timur.